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Your project step-by-step
– Client and designer first meeting.
– Reference pictures exchange via email (allows to fully understand client's preferences).
– Second meeting and contract signing.
– Designer visits the site to take dimensions.
– Client fills detailed questionnaire (with or without designer's help).
– Creating a project brief.
– Documenting the site (existing layout).
– Designing and approving a remodeling plan (demolishing and building walls).
– Designing and approving a furniture layout.
– Creating and approving a concept (interior style, colors, materials, finishes), includes collages (mood board and material board).
– Drawing and approving the main plans (flooring plan, ceiling plan, lighting plan, electrical plan, elevations).
– Creating and approving photorealistic 3D visuals*.
– Site supervision* (designer regularly visits a construction site to control end result and drawings compliance).
– Purchasing* (choosing and ordering necessary items: furniture, finish materials, appliances), offline and online.
*There will be a separate contract for this service. You can choose as many services as you require.